Steet with no name 17/04/2009. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Ouma Johanna Stanely, walking down one of the alleys in Blikkiesdorp. Ouma Johanna passed away during the World Cup in South Africa in 2010. She died of starvation and TB. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Temporary Structures 01/04/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa.Temporary Structures in Domestic Landscapes. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Adeen 03/05/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Blikkiesdorp or as some called it, the "human" dumping ground. Adeleen Victor sitting in the Family structure in Blikkiesdorp. In the foreground is a picture of Adeen when she was three. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Ouma Johanna 17/04/2009. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town South Africa. Ouma Johanna photographed in 2009 with her favourite green dress. She passed away in 2010. She died of starvation. Photo Lizane Louw

Adeen and Anton 03/11/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Adeen and Anton. True Love in Blikkies. Photo Lizane Louw

The Human Dumping Ground 17/04/2009. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. The streets of Blikkiesdorp or as some called it, the "human" dumping ground. Photo Lizane Louw

Ma Bekka 02/07/2011.Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Rebekka, Ma Bekka, is 76 years old, living a structure, B43, in Blikkiesdorp. Photo Lizane Louw

Gold 02/22/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Boys will be boys. Photo Lizane Louw

Nommers 06/17/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Children playing in the streets, wearing home- made raincoats from garbage bags. It is obvious who their role models are. Die "nommer " or prison number system is also present in this informal settlement. Photo Lizane Louw

Ouma 16/04/2009. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Flats, Cape Town. South Africa. Ouma Magdalena ( 90) is the eldest resident of Blikkiesdorp on the Cape Flats. She has been on the housing list for over 17 years. The residents of Blikkiesdorp live in one of the poorest communities on the Cape Flats and are subjected to violent crimes, rapes and robberies. Still the community of Blikkiesdorp keeps their heads and spirits up. 4000 People call these steel structures and the sand dunes surrounding it home. They live in close proximity to each other and the family atmosphere that binds all these poor individuals together brought tears to my eyes. The monotone structures and grey palette of the scenery leaves you with little to be excited about. It was not until I met Ouma that my mind changed. I was seeing a different world through my lens and I was learning how these unfortunate people can have such colorful lives amidst the emptiness and grays. Even though all the heartache and pain that these people are suffering breaks your heart, the sense of positivity and will to survive is contagious. Many community members run their own little shops to provide the necessities for every day survival. Living from hand to hand, day to day. Caring for and looking after each other. I was moved by the simplicity of the people, their will to survive, the feeling of community. I left Blikkiesdorp wondering what it is that binds people together in difficulty like that. Ouma has since passed away, she died of severe TB and starvation, my work in the community continues and Ouma is a big inspiration for this project. At the moment 16000 people live in the camp. Photo Lizane Louw

The Victor Family 03/05/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Blikkiesdorp or as some called it, the "human" dumping ground.Elna and Adeen Victor sitting in their structure in Blikkiesdorp. We had a discussion on the wedding portrait and Faan and Elna's wedding. Adeen Remarked. "That woman there in that picture, she is not my mom. " I found this interesting and asked why she said that, because a few minutes ago she said that it is her mom and dad's wedding portrait. Adeen aswered. "You see, that woman in that picture, she is smiling, my mother does not smile anymore." Photo Lizane Louw

Baby 03/11/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. My photography student and little friend, Ashleen Samuels. She always walkded with me during my photography sessions in Blikkies. Photo Lizane Louw

Tin Can Town 16/04/2009. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Flats, Cape Town. South Africa. The residents of Blikkiesdorp live in one of the poorest communities on the Cape Flats and are subjected to violent crimes, rape and robberies. Still the community of Blikkiesdorp keep their heads and spirits up. 4000 People call these steel structures and the sand dunes surrounding it, home. They live in close proximity to each other and the family atmosphere that binds all these poor individuals together brought tears to my eyes. The monotone structures and grey palette of the scenery leaves you with little to be exited about. It was not until I met Ouma that my mind changed. I was seeing a different world through my lens and I was learning how these unfortunate people can have such colourful lives amidst the emptiness and greys.Even though all the heartache and pain that these people are suffering breaks your heart, the sense of positivity and will to survive is contagious. Many community members run their own little shops to provide the necessities for every day survival. Living from hand to hand, day to day. Caring for and looking after each other.I was moved by the simplicity of the people, their will to survive, the feeling of community. I left Blikkiesdorp wondering what it is that binds people together in difficulty like that. This particular feature on Blikkiesdorp inspired a positive atmosphere in the community. The pastors, priests and leaders of the community posted the pages on walls and in the community halls. Upon my return to Blikkiesdorp to deliver some papers I spoke to some of the residents and they were so proud and said that the positive portrayal is encouraging and that it is better to see good news of their village for a change.Blikkiesdorp is in the news most of the time because of violent rapes of Toddlers and children. I believe that features like these, portraying the good in a community would not only inspire people that live in communities, but it will also encourage them to live better and healthier lives. Photo Lizane Louw

Wet 17/06/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Children playing in the streets, wearing home made raincoats from Garbage bags. Photo Lizane Louw

Toys 02/23/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. A boy makes his own toys out of a garbage dumpster. Photo Lizane Louw

The Victor Family 18/02/2011. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. The Victor Family has been living in Blikkiesdorp for more than a year. The family has been exposed to violent situations, where members of the family was brutally attacked and robbed. The family consists out of Elna, a qualified nurse, Faan, a builder, Gerald their son that is an epileptic and mentally challenged and their daughter Adeen. The family is white South Africans and one of five white families living amongst 16000 other people from all over Africa. They live in very difficult circumstances and are dependent on government grants and donations. Photo Lizane Louw

Untiteld 03/11/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Nature nurture. Photo Lizane Louw

Swing 02/23/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. A New playground was given to the community of Blikkiesdorp in the last week of February 2011. The Playground is build in the middle of the garbage dump. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Temporary Structures 01/04/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa.Temporary Structures in Domestic Landscapes. Photo Lizane Louw.

Steel structures 03/11/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Photo Lizane Louw

Puddles 17/06/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Children playing in the streets, wearing home made raincoats from Garbage bags. Photo Lizane Louw

Elna, Afrikaans Nurse 18/02/2011. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Elna Victor, Proud Afrikaans Nurse, standing outside her "house" in Blikkiesdorp. She has been living there for over a year and has been attacked, kicked and robbed numerous times. Upon a recent move to a safer dwelling in the camp, people stormed in and broke all her crockery. Elna is one of the White residents of Blikkiesdorp. She is unemployed. She is on a disability grant. There are five white families living in the camp. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Ouma Magdalena 17/04/2009. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Ouma Magdalena van Wyk passed away in 2010. She died of severe TB and starvation. The feeding schemes of Government and associated institutions are not serving the needs of the ever-growing community. When I met Ouma Magdalena in 2009, there were only 4000 residents in Blikkies. Today there are 16000 inhabitants. Some of them " Bergies" or street people, that was taken of the roads of Cape Town just before the World Cup in 2010. This amounted to a huge increase of people in the camp. Photo Lizane Louw

Protest 3 07/09/2009. Cape Town. The residents of Symphony Way, Delft, in a protest outside the Cape High court in Cape Town. Photo Lizane Louw

Mother, leader, Ouma 17/04/2009. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town South Africa. Ouma Johanna sitting outside her "house", she was a mother to the community, a leader and loved to be photographed.Ouma Johanna passed away in 2010. She died of starvation. Photo Lizane Louw

Protest 2 07/09/2009. Cape Town. The residents of Symphony Way, Delft, in a protest outside the Cape High court in Cape Town. Junior Bouwers with his little brother Toriq. Photo Lizane Louw

Protest 07/09/2009. Cape Town. The residents of Symphony Way, Delft, in a protest outside the Cape High court in Cape Town. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Temporary Structures 03/16/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Temporary Structures in Domestic Landscapes. Blikkiesdorp

Politics 03/11/2011. The streets of Blikkiesdorp or as some called it, the "human" dumping ground. Politics devides this community and people in Blikkiesdorp are known to be very passionate in their politics. Photo Lizane Louw

Fun in the playground 16/03//2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Children playing in the playground. Photo Lizane Louw

Playgournd 02/23/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. A playground. Photo Lizane Louw

Playground 02/23/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. A New playground was given to the community of Blikkiesdorp in the last week of February 2011. The Playground is build in the middle of the garbage dump. Photo Lizane Louw

Playground 1 July 2011 02/07/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. The Playground 2 July 2011. Photo Lizane Louw

Toy Soldiers 02/23/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Children are seen daily playing in the rubbish dumps, making kites and toys out of garbage. There is no entertainment for the 7500 Children living in Blikkies, most of them drop out of school, because of the school fees that are too expensive to pay. Families live of All Pay, a government grant, that is R250 a month. Not nearly enough to feed a family of three. Parents receive the grants and unfortunately it ends up in the till in the Liquor store on the same day. Photo Lizane Louw

Oom Thomas 01/04/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa.Temporary Structures in Domestic Landscapes. Photo Lizane Louw.04/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Sunset drinks. Oom Thomas having a beer at sunset. Photo Lizane Louw

Klein Bruid 03/16/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Klein Bruid. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Temporary Structures 03/16/2012. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Temporary Structures in Domestic Landscapes. Blikkiesdorp

Garbage Dump 02/23/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. A New playground was given to the community of Blikkiesdorp in the last week of February 2011. The Playground is build in the middle of the garbage dump. Photo Lizane Louw

Games in the street 03/22/2011. The streets of Blikkiesdorp or as some called it, the "human" dumping ground. People in the streets of Tin Can Town, playing games. Photo Lizane Louw

Waiting 03/16/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Young boys sitting in a line with their containers, waiting for food donations. Photo Lizane Louw

Family time 3/22/2011. Blikkiesdorp. Family time. The Colerigde and Cloete Family.
Sharon Coleridge is feeding Duwayne Cloete, Luevanna Coleridge, Shannon-Lee Colerigde and Melissa Cloete shares interesting gossip about the people living in Blikkies. Blikkiesdorp is an TRA( temporary relocation are in Delft on the Cape Flats. Many people call these steel structures in this informal settelment home. Photo Lizane Louw

Eileen Plaatjies 03/11/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Eileen Plaatjies was diagnosed with Cancer last year. The doctors that was treating her, gave up hope and said there is nothing more to be done to help her in her fight against the disease. According to her care givers, neighbors and woman from the Blikkiesdorp community, she was given two bottles of Liquid Morphine to drink and was send home from Hospital. She passed away soon after. Photo Lizane Louw

E105 02/23/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. The streets of Blikkiesdorp or as some called it, the "human" dumping ground. Photo Lizane Louw

Entertainment 01/04/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa.There is no entertainment for the 8000 children living in Blikkies, most of them drop out of school, because of the school fees that are too expensive to pay. Families live of All Pay, a government grant, that is R250 a month. Not nearly enough to feed a family of three. Parents receive the grants and unfortunately it ends up in the till in the Liquor store on the same day. Photo Lizane Louw

Dorothea Ruthven 03/05/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. The streets of Blikkiesdorp or as some called it, the "human" dumping ground. Dorothea Ruthven tells of her dream to open a 24 hour church and to work with first offenders, that is being sentenced to jail.Her family has been living in Blikkiesdorp for five days. They relocated from Johannesburg. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Temporary Structures 03/16/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Domestic landscape. Photo Lizane Louw

Waiting Smiling 03/16/2012. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Children in a line waiting for food donations. Photo Lizane Louw

Children at Play 17/04/2009. Blikkiesdorp. Cape Town, South Africa. Shamier Ryners, Douglas Patrick, Aquila Buffkens, Roland Strydom en Muzameel Abrahams playing in the streets of Blikkiesdorp. Photo Lizane Louw

Blik kar 03/16/2011. The streets of Blikkiesdorp or as some called it, the "human" dumping ground. A boy and his toy. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Temporary Structures 01/04/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Temporary Structurs in Domestic Landscapes. Toilet BLIK SO288. Photo Lizane Louw

Portrait of Temporary Structures 01/04/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Temporary Structurs in Domestic Landscapes. Toilet BLIK SO288. Photo Lizane Louw

Parkie 01/04/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Temporary Structurs in Domestic Landscapes. There is no entertainment for the 8000 children living in Blikkies, most of them drop out of school, because of the school fees that are too expensive to pay. Families live of All Pay, a government grant, that is R250 a month. Not nearly enough to feed a family of three.Parents receive the grants and unfortunately it ends up in the till in the Liquor store on the same day.Photo Lizane Louw

Entertainment 01/04/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. Temporary Structurs in Domestic Landscapes. There is no entertainment for the 8000 children living in Blikkies, most of them drop out of school, because of the school fees that are too expensive to pay. Families live of All Pay, a government grant, that is R250 a month. Not nearly enough to feed a family of three.Parents receive the grants and unfortunately it ends up in the till in the Liquor store on the same day.Photo Lizane Louw

7de Laan 01/04/2011. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. South Africa. 7 de Laan. Business in Blikkiesdorp. Photo Lizane Louw